Emergency Alert System Lessons
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911 broadcast articles

Emergency Alert System

emergency broadcast systems This section of our technical library presents articles written about Emergency Alert Systems and Disaster Recovery definitions, terms and related information.

The 911Broadcast emergency notification and alert service can deliver a large number of phone calls using a network of phone systems employing digital phone lines simultaneously. Should a disaster such as a snow storm, wild fire or flood hit your area, 911Broadcast systems can alert your community quickly providing specific instructions if an evacuation is required.

This service is available using our emergency broadcasting systems. If a dangerous chemical spill occurs in your community, you can target specific areas to call. If a severe snow storm hits your area, your community can be notified of school closings or event cancellations.

Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our emergency autodialers and services.

Emergency Alert System Lessons

The following is an extract from the article "Emergency alert system yields valuable lessons" BY Brian Robinson from FCW.com.

"Oregon's Regional Alliances for Infrastructure and Network Security (RAINS) is an emergency alert system rather than a system for cybersecurity alerts, but its chairman, Charles Jennings, believes there are enough similarities that it offers some good lessons for those building a national cybersecurity alert system, particularly from the local perspective. "The cyber world tends to be more heterogeneous than the emergency management world," Jennings said. "Nevertheless, the range of systems and requirements in both is equally broad. You need a level of alert that is just right for a particular situation." RAINS has been operating since August 2003 to link 911 centers with public safety officials, schools, hospitals and others facilities in an automated alert notification system. It has already processed thousands of alerts. One discovery early in the development process was that the idea of a single network that could provide alerts "is an ivory-tower fallacy," Jennings said. Instead, the system had to be able to communicate common information while accommodating differences in the way participating agencies operate and communicate internally. To do this, RAINS uses the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), which is an open, nonproprietary data interchange format that can be mapped into a wide range of information management and warning systems. A base level of information relevant to all of the participants was determined so they could be linked within the RAINS system. "The baselines are such things as electricity, communications, the IP [data network] layer, and then the applications and services that run on top of that," Jennings said. "The cyberwarning system also needs to understand that it should link back into these kinds of common systems....."

To view the entire article, please visit www.fcw.com

Emergency Broadcast System Phones and Networks

emergency alert phone dialers in action acd system ivr system auto dialers DSC provides the most comprehensive emergency phone solutions and emergency services for the emergency broadcast system marketplace today. Whether you need to purchase your own emergency phone dialer or utilize our emergency dialing service, you can rely on us to deliver your alert messages.

When an emergency arises in your community, our emergency phone systems and service can contact your residents quickly and efficiently. Should a disaster such as a forest fire or chemical spill threaten your residents, we can provide emergency alerts and evacuation instructions immediately.

Plus our emergency autodialers can connect calls to members of your emergency response team who are working at home or in remote locations.

Contact DSC for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our emergency autodialers and services.